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Modern Elevator

VSU-AMA Elevator Pitch Competition

What would you say if you unexpectedly found yourself in an elevator with someone who could hire you for your dream job?

Pressing the Elevator Button

The VSU-AMA Elevator Pitch Competition brings together students from across campus to determine who can seal the deal with a potential employer with their best elevator pitch.

What can you tell a prospective employer about yourself – your education, your skills, your career goals – in the length of an elevator ride? The VSU-AMA Elevator Pitch Competition is a solo competition where students will have the opportunity to present themselves in an elevator-pitch format to a panel of judges. The panel will choose the best pitches, and prizes will be awarded to the top three student presenters.

What is an Elevator Pitch?

An elevator pitch is a 30-60 second business pitch. It's called an "Elevator Pitch" because it describes the challenge: "How would you explain your value proposition if fate placed you in an elevator with a decision maker and you only had the time it takes to get from the top of the building to the bottom to share your idea?" The ideal elevator pitch will leave the person you are speaking with impressed and wanting to learn more about you. A well-crafted and delivered elevator pitch is a valuable tool you can use in any number of situations… from chance meetings to career fairs to job interview introductions.


Your pitch is limited to 45 seconds for this competition. Your pitch should address a professional who could hire you for your dream job?

Why You Should Enter

Rules & How to Enter

The contest will be conducted in 2 rounds. Students must upload their video elevator pitch to YouTube and provide a link to the video on the contest entry form. The initial round will be judged by VSU faculty, staff & administration. The top videos advance to the second round and the videos will be judged by business professionals (see rubric). Finalists will be played at the award ceremony.

  • The contest is open to all VSU undergraduate students.

  • Only 1 entry per student.

  • The elevator pitch must be no more than 45 seconds.

  • You must video your pitch for judging.

  • Upload your video to YouTube (Make sure the video is marked "unlisted" and NOT "private". If we cannot access the video then it cannot be judged.)

  • To enter, complete the registration form by Tuesday, Oct. 10th. Now OCT 31st!

  • Winners will be announced at the VSU-AMA meeting on Tuesday, Oct. 24th Now Nov 14th!

  • Register at




   Introduction/Greeting    10
   Hook/Interest    10
   Ask    10
   Clear ending/Close    10
   enthusiasm    5
   tone    5
   volume    5
   pronunciation    5
   pace    5

Nonverbal communication
   posture    5
   eye contact    5
   facial expressions    5
   attire    5
   gestures    5
   Over 45 seconds    -10
   Over 60 seconds    disqualified
TOTAL        90



Not required, but may be helpful

1 /  How To Create Your 30 Second Elevator Pitch! | The Intern Queen

2 /  How To Create The Best Elevator Pitch for Job Interviews

Enter Here

Video your pitch and enter here to win.

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